i should probably go directly [back] to sleep. instead of writing down the dream i just had, i should go back to sleep and forget it, as i'm fairly certain i don't want a continual reminding of it.

the part that got me, this is the dream, i was in a returns line at some sort of department store, or it seemed anyway. after having an odd conversation with someone i knew while waiting for someone who works there to make themselves available at the returns register [michael jordan tried to let me go first, instead i said he should go ahead, oddly enough], an honestly beautiful girl asked me a question. and it wasn't anything like, "how long will this take?", or, "..come here often?", or anything like that. it was a perfect question to ask a stranger, and not so much because of exactly what it was, as i don't recall, exactly, but in that it was a historical/political question and what my views were on the subject. and it was one of concern to her apparently, and i told her had i known such atrocities were still occurring, i could have an opinion but i hadn't heard and, so, couldn't really say.. we discussed connecting things for a good five minutes, in an aisle, and at the register while she returned whatever it was she was there to return. as she finished her transaction i knew she was going to leave and i'd never see her again. but she got a pen from the counter as she walked past me to a free bit of horizontal space and a bit of paper, and she wrote her name down and to meet her tomorrow, but not where. [also her student number oddly enough, which did me no good, but i didn't pay attention to it in the dream.] and so as she turned to leave i asked her how was i going to meet her if i didn't know where, and she turned and told me that i'd know where when the time came, and i realized she was in one of my classes [which in my dream apparently had just started and we'd only been to once.] and then it hit me which class she was in, and who she was, and that she had walked out of the library. [for some reason our class met there the day before or whenever it had been and lots of us were having a discussion,] and, she said, that she walked out because she felt awkward around me because, as she said she had told a friend, she liked me a lot. and when she said that last bit she leaned her head on my shoulder and it was this perfect moment.

she had to go at this point, but said we'd have plenty of time to talk tomorrow after class, and she walked away down an aisle.. i was all but ex/im-ploding at this point, no question, and this is right about when the dream ended. exactly how it did was lame. snoop dogg [yes, the rapper] was walking out, and as i, dream me anyway, had somehow just been to some sort of 'rap concert in the park' [which does not exist here in my city, if anywhere,] that i'd seen him at, and apparently feeling rather bold from such good fortune fate had bestowed upon me mere seconds earlier, i said, "later, snoop." [like i'm fricking dr. dre or something..] to which he, in jest, replied, "later, snoop dogg." and so i was thinking, i can't believe it, i'll tell a friend of mine that snoop dogg called me 'snoop dogg.' this was where my head apparently shut down its suspended disbelief and i woke up. now in this dream i had hung out and talked tennis with martina navratilova, which i didn't mention, i realize, spoken to michael jordan in a department store, and had young lady express her strong feelings towards me who can be described as nothing less than statuesquely beautiful and with a brilliant mind, not to mention use a historical/political argumentative question to spark a conversation, as opposed to a line.. none of which, probably least of which the last, would ever happen, yet my head allows me to fall deeper and deeper into dream-induced happiness, only to have the unreality of a very brief exchange of words with snoop dogg end it all.

and i don't mean to over dramatize the effects of this dream on me any more than i already have, but i felt so happy and giddy and optimistic, that waking up made me hate my pillow. [and as i like my pillow, perhaps you can see how disturbing this must have been.]

what a messed up way to start a morning. in any case, if this person, whom i can't remember the name of, actually exists, i just want it to be known, that, so do i. [lame. i know.]

[that is the last time i'm bold when i talk to rappers.]


"and you sat on the corner of my bed, and you smoked with the ghost in the back of my head.
do you eat, sleep, do you breathe me anymore? do you sleep, do you count sheep anymore? do you sleep anymore? i don't know, and i don't care if i ever will be there. will be there?" -l.l.


< << < : : >> > >
number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

i'll talk you to sleep..