[it has been brought to my attention, and was a worry of mine when i changed it yesterday, that the page will not scroll. it is not supposed to, only the text should scroll, and should do so by clicking on it before attempting to scroll. do let me know if this doesn�t work for you. if you care enough to want to read it, i'll probably put it back how it was, or at least try to fix it.]

i got my eight hours [actually more like a bit over seven] for the first time in what seems like weeks yesterday. however, those hours were from about six and a half in the morning to three in the afternoon. figuring i could miss my morning class, though looking back i'm sure i missed something quite integral to the course. i would have gone, and got up to go, but 'better late than never' wasn't very applicable. this means i've been up all night and will probably crash after discussing plato for an hour in a few hours. then again, i'll probably fight it and end up getting lunch and doing something until the wee hours when i implode from need of sleep. [those last bits are more want than expectation.]

i find it nothing short of ironic and/or funny and/or not funny and/or numbing, that - in my experience - girls will almost invariably "aww.." when the clumsy, shy guy on a television program[me] or in a movie loses his love, or has his heart broken, or says something chest-achingly appropriate [which usually tips one off as to the fact it is a scripted conversation and not anything real entering your eyes and ears.] but, if it suits them, when a real, live, attainable person, similarly shy and clumsy [or at least both shy and clumsy, if not in a similar manner,] is sitting there, having said something or having had a few ribs broken, they can dismiss it out of hand. [perhaps being so far removed from the events, which aren�t even reality, allow for that.] [and of course i'm generalizing and stretching.] [guys are generally worse, of course.]


"teach me how i should forget to think." -r.


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number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

not having that, which, having, makes them short.