i am in desperate need of something done to my hair. it either needs to get longer faster, or be cut quite drastically, which, of the two, i'm not quite sure. i only know that what is on my head right now does not make me happy, and more to the point, not even very content. i'm loath to shave it, as one must then either be diligent about keeping it neatly away, or go through the intermediate stages of regrowth. also, i did not do it during my three-day weekend just past, which would've given me a twenty-four hour buffer to draw in hair if need be, or find a good hat. it's been about fifteen months since last i took that drastic move, i feel weird about it for some reason though.

i knew that rambling had to end sometime.

i feel i have a fair amount of friends. meaning, were i still in high school, i'd not be popular [as history will attest to], but be quite content with the small group of people i felt included in. but i've noticed that none of my friends are really similar to me. [a good thing probably.] they all overlap me in some way or another, and we get along well, usually because of [though sometimes in spite of] it. and a few have likes and preferences that overlap more, and some have thoughts and feelings that do. and a very very few overlap me by a good margin. [and i realize that friends are supposed to be like this, that they overlap you and each of you branch out in your own separate directions as well and then you learn and share and discuss new things with people and that's how we all advance or broaden horizons and whatnot.] and so i guess what i am looking or is more than a friend or good friend. [not surprising.] but the fact that no one overlaps me even by half, i find somehow odd. i guess i just figured when you like certain things, other certain things connect, if by nothing else then, by logic. [logic, of course, being the worst way to go from one preference to the next.] these assumptions hold, maybe less than half the time, and i'm left wondering where this person is that is not only supposed to like at least half my cds, half my jokes, half of me, if not more, but also to be surprised and not grow tired of any of it. how easy i am to please.


"my battles are gory and glorified, but no one really knows 'cause no one ever looks" -a.


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number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

..drowning slowly