after conducting a very scientific(1) study of the effects of sleeping fifteen consecutive hours, i've concluded that it results in the following.
a. somewhat hungry. (though not immediately.)
b. quite thirsty
c. very dry lips.
d. an urge to find your way to the w.c., slightly stronger than normal.
e. surprisingly still tired.
f. other than crazy. ass. dreams, of which only a small bit of one i can remember, nothing much happens.
[1. 'scientific' in this case being: laying down on the mattress of a bed, covering oneself with a sheet and also a comforter, and placing a pillow under one's head.]

also, pepperidge farm french rolls (hot) with monterey jack cheese (melted) are quite tasty.

there is this daily contest thing at, (though i use it for the task of trying to get something out of a bunch of words, to help my writing), but it's definitely worth looking at i think. helps with writer's block sometimes, and the possibility of $100 for stretching your head isn't bad either. the premise is, they give you a group of words and letters, and you can use up to twenty. anyway, here are some of my efforts.

unfortunately, i don't have writer's block, i have nothing to say. [see 'f.' above.] except that, currently moving my malleus is the lovely voice and music of one ms. nicholls.


"i like this resonance
it elevates me
i don't recognize myself.." -b.


< << < : : >> > >
number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

the karma comes back ten-fold