what i should be doing: astronomy homework, astronomy online quiz, two paintings, a program for another class, and statistics homework (twice over). [edit: (sameday, 10.40a) also studying for a business law test, which i have now taken.] why am i not? for starters, she keeps posting really great bj�rk lyrics that do nothing but strike a chord with me. (bj�rk just does, go figure.)

and secondly, she wrote what i think is one of the best few paragraphs i've read in a while. (and i don't even know what it's about.) but that doesn't matter, because the point isn't the subject in this case (for me), it just what was said/typed/thought. just sweet words. and perhaps there is some angst and whatnot thrown in, but i just feel that too. so yeah.

and surely there is a thirdly and fifthly and seventhly, all of which would probably involve even more poignant words from the fingers of her and her and her and also the fact that the blokes-3 [ahem, blo-kes-three] surely talk very much like they write, that being british-english, which is oh-so-much-better then american-english.

yeah and all these successively numbered reasons make me want to get something down. i'm not even sure what yet. i like cold drinks really cold (with ice please), and hot drinks hot (steam please), none of this crazy lukewarm shite for me. thanks.

yeah, so after having someone routinely plug a certain movie ('rushmore'), i decided something must be up with it. so last night i got my white boo-hiney and rolled right in.. ('to the local d.k.b.?' you might ask?) (no, but instead) to the video store and perused the 'r's until i came upon it. sparing you the more boring details ('more boring' that is,) i got it home, and watched that puppy. now, the reason i hadn't seen it in the theatre or on video up to this point was because i thought it was a simple comedy, and while i enjoyed the clips of bill murray blocking a kid's shot while talking on his mobile (phone that is), and the lines "these are o.r. scrubs." - "oh, are they?", because i did, i couldn't imagine the whole movie being similarly funny. after having watched it, i don't find it to be a comedy, though humorous at parts (specifically perfect parts might i add,) it seemed to me to be a funny/sad/angsty/romance. and a supremely well done one at that. while the entire story was great, the little bits and lines thrown in at points where there could have just as easily been silence (or been cut altogether) just added to the appeal that much more. so the aforementionedatthetopoftheparagraph person gets a big thanks from me, and only solidifies the belief in her good taste that much further. (for those of you who don't know, i'm nodding right now.) [i need a rushmore, and/or to be one.] [we all do though.]

anyone want to come over and help me get this load of crap finished? please? it's for a good reason. i want to be able to get everything done so i can turn in my program early so i can not go to class thursday evening, so i can go see a performance of 'henry iv'. i'll even spring for your seven-bean ticket and i'll drive. (did i mention it's 2hrs there. and similarly 2hrs back?) yeah, i'm holding my breath.

in reference above to lyrics being posted, i've been filling my middle ears with bj�rk, and the two of them (left and right) are quite content.

i've decided that were i to find out that toblerone was employing children, i don't think i could stop purchasing their product. mind you i don't eat chocolate all that often, but i do like their work. [note: i have no reason to believe such things occur with such a fine establishment, and neither should you. nor should you go searching for anything relating to labor law infringements on their part. you get me? good.]

unoriginal thought number seven-eighty-two. isn't it pretty amazing the effects one can have over another? and no, i don't mean anatomy (i.e. you stab me in the face, i bleed), i mean.. here's what i mean, what i mean is, for all intents and purposes we are individual, self-sufficient beings. we aren't connected physically to anyone else, we can provide for ourselves, we can live, and if we needed to propagate the species (and with six+ billion people already, i'm sure we could lay off for a bit, but i digress..) surely we could rendezvous in the forest (a la jaguar [pronounced: jag-yoo-er; jagyooer] or bear), and then return to our own respective businessi (that'd be the plural of 'business' as i see it.) obviously we don't work that way, and what i'm saying that isn't it amazing and funny and depressing and exciting that we can have such effects on each other just because they know we exist, and vice versa? people you know well, 've met once or thrice, or've never met can get jumpy or start "shitting rivers for weeks" by words or voice or mail or pictures or visuals? that out of all the people you know there are surely more than six billion you don't, and yet you've been able to cross paths with these astounding, brilliant, and fucked-up-in-their-own-specific-ways-mostly-for-the-better, people, and how lucky you must be? i'm currently waiting for that next person to fall off their safe bridge into my gondola. getting tired of ducking under empty bridges, i'll have to push the next person off of their's, whether i know them or not.

similarly, yet oppositely, does it not astound anyone else, that we are literally tiny specks of water and carbon, on a tiny speck of iron, orbiting a slightly less tiny speck of hydrogen in an area so vast we can't even make numbers big enough to imagine it properly? and besides that, if you're religious - then we're this perfect special creation, and if you're scientific - we're this against all odds evolution, and despite all this, we can't all get along? that people are being killed right now, and not all that far away? i could fucking fly there in mere hours. makes me mad and depressed and feeling helpless, all at the same time. maybe some of us hopeless romantics (that's a bold statement for me to make, including myself in that category i mean, but i like me some romance, i fancy myself romantic, and i'm definitely hopeless, so bite me,) should mason jar some of our hope and love and whatnot, and fedex (or ups if you wish) it to our neighbors in the balkans, and the middle east, and wherever else it's needed. what do you say?


"touch, if you will, my stomach
feel how it trembles inside?
you've got the butterflies all tied up, baby
don't make me chase you-
even doves have pride.." -ani (covering prince)

"one word, one word, on the phone, makes me happy.
one touch, but one touch, directly, makes me ecstatic.." -b.


< << < : : >> > >
number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

..but you're not here..