hmm, what i did today.

played 2 sets of tennis, won 6-3 6-4, and we usually play 3 but i didn't feel like it today. swam. tossed a frisbee around. might go see a movie tonight. somewhat eventful, even though not all that interesting.

i was going to stay away from the subject of her because this was turning into a whining love journal, and this is only the third entry. oh well.

if she was just an average young lady it wouldn't be a big deal, i'd move on. but she is amazing, seriously. she stimulates me in every way possible. she keeps my mind going constantly, whether i'm with her or not. talking with her is a genuine pleasure. we've talked for hours, something i rarely do (i can't speak for her). to top it off she is beautiful. i'll spare you the details, i'm sure you're sick of hearing all this. but know this, i'm not exaggerating, i'm not blinded by love, i'm being very objective at this point. and the thing is, she really seems to like me, but again i don't know. [another side note: we had a short relationship that ended about 7 months ago.]

but she has a boyfriend, as i've mentioned previously. and no, i don't want her to go through the unpleasantness of ending a relationship. honestly if she's happy as is, then (if it were up to me) i wouldn't change anything. at the same time, i want to do everything with her. talk, go places, sit and watch her in the plays she's in [at her university], etc., ad nauseum. hmm, i get to talk to her tuesday, sometime between or after the classes i'm taking. not sure what time she'll be back in town. [ya, no summer break for me, taking 4 classes (+2 labs)].

this got longer than i had expected, and i still have 2 hours until the movie starts. perhaps i'll write again later, but first, 2 more points.

point 1, the movie i'm going to see is 'gladiator', and i've already seen it once. if you haven't seen it, let me say that before i saw it i thought it was going to be just a big crappy 'action' movie. (read: die hard in ancient Rome) i was wrong, completely. while not everything is exactly historically correct, it isn't blatently wrong either. besides that, its very well done. actors, costumes, sets, everything. perhaps i just like it cause i enjoy european history. i'd see it if i were you. in fact, i'm not you and i'm still seeing it (for the second time no less.)

point 2, this is actually a theory of mine. there are many times late at night that i am stuck at a red light [this happens so often because i seriously enjoy driving at night. driving during the day makes me tired (long-distances anyway). but i could drive all night, and that's no insinuation,] and therefore less than happy. and no matter how hard i concentrate on the light changing, it doesn't happen - surprising, i know. i start thinking of ways to make it change, and whenever i am seriously going to get out of my car and press the button for the 'walk/don't walk' light, it changes. always. without fail. so for me, it's bordering on a law, instead of a theory. now i don't want you to read this (if you're reading this drop a note, i'm curious if people do) and go try it out and when it doesn't work you'll curse me and my 'theory/law' for being incorrect. it's not simply thinking that you're going to get out of your car. it's the actual decision to do it. (no, fake decisions or crossed-fingered decisions don't count either.) and yes, i've actually gotten out and pressed the button before, so the commitment doesn't end at the decision, sometimes you'll have to follow through.

Ein langer Rock, und blaues Haar - fairly perfect i'd say.


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number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

yaya, her again