given what i've recently deduced, i find it all the more fitting if i continue to talk about things as if i did know something. keep the conclusion in mind though, won't you? i haven't seen much on the news, or in the paper or in the word balloons that come from people's mouths when they talk. i'm wondering if this is just because everyone else has heard so little of this as well, or because they don't care, but, here it is. our esteemed president has decided to have suspected terrorists tried in secret u.s. military courts instead of in the public court system, or perhaps more fitting, some sort of international court. [while i can't profess to know one way or the other, i have to believe the united nations has some way to take care of cases of suspected terrorists.] but that's not even the point. the point is that these are secret military hearings. there are much fewer rights for the accused, the rules regarding acceptance of evidence are much more loose, and there can be surprise witnesses the likes of which perry mason would be unable to recover from via blistering cross-examination. [that's right. [and matlock can fuck right off, i don't know who andy griffith thinks he's kidding.] ] of course bush passed this through with some sort of presidential action during emergency which means congress does not need to approve it. i only hope they can overturn it, i need too look up if they can. surely they'd be able. i hope. [then again, at this point, i'm sure they'd all give up an arm, a leg, and all their extramarital affairs if the first syllable of 'patriotism' was uttered.] i just hope next time i say i'm going to put a large bomb somewhere that no government workers overhear.

it's not enough we claim, via the monroe doctrine [1823], that our hemisphere should be left alone. it's not enough that we deem it impossible to grant such an idea to other countries to the extent that we cross any border we wish regardless of how many people we have to run over and shoot to do so. it's not enough that we respect corrupt governments [being that ours' is too, though, this is the only bit that does make sense.] and not innocent people. it's not enough that we claim liberation for the oppressed as a way to justify killing the nameless [because we don't know any other languages], while there are oppressed who don't even live on their own land any more because it's been decades since it was taken and everyone else seems to have conveniently overlooked them. no. now we decide that civilians, often of other countries mind you, are more rightfully tried in a military court. and of course we will still expect the safe return of any americans abroad who commit any crimes. of course. [not to mention the military seeks the death penalty much more often than public courts [which is retarded anyway, i fully concede], so if they get it wrong there is no chance to rectify. not that they would anyway, it's the american government.]

now i'm all pissy, not feeling like saying anything else, but i will. of course. my younger brother, just about six years my junior, has been on more dates in the past week than i have been in the past seven and a half months. and he went on, yep, that's right, one, last week. i feel fricking great about myself.

on top of it all i've gotten another cold, that's two since september, and i rarely get one a winter, let alone two in a late summer. [because it's not cold enough to be autumn yet.] i like to drive with my window down at night now, because it's cool outside and my head is akin to bald [i'd guess a thirtieth of a mm, at most.], and then turn the heater on. i get this swirling hot and cold thing going that is too fun to stop. i hope this hasn't contributed to my illness, as i don't plan on stopping, for the reason i just gave. in any case i'm vitamin c'ing myself [the actual scurvy-fighting ascorbic acid, and not the artist formerly known as colleen fitzpatrick.] like there's some sort of vitamin c surplus that has to be used before it goes bad. otherwise price will fall you know, i mean if demand remains constant.. sorry, economic humor, er, well, economic analogy, as it wasn't funny. obviously. [that said, my twelve-hour record for amount of vitamin c ingested is about 1650%, or roughly 140g [4.5oz].]


"my faith in zeros and ones.." -p.t.l.


< << < : : >> > >
number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

i wouldn't mind. but you are my only hope..