so i saw this thing on the tv just a few days ago about texas a&m university, regarding their accident a year ago. and now lots and lots of people want to restart the tradition (of basically a four or five story bonfire), only to have safety as a much more dominant concern. and that just strikes me as silly. i mean i understand it is a tradition, for however many years, i know i know. but its not like a single piece of wood fell and somehow hit and killed one person. [by the way, one piece of wood is a tree trunk, just so you know.] no. the entire thing collapsed, and killed twelve people. twelve. perhaps there should be a change in tradition, perhaps not. but i mean, come on, i think the fact that twelve people died for some bonfire [whatever its local significance] is more important than getting back to burning a small forest every year. it�s probably just me though.

i need a hug. and waiting seventeen days for one will just have to do. [that's me sighing right there..]



"just pretend that i've been standing here,
watching you-
watching me all of this time" -ani


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number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

come here..