so i played tennis today. it was fairly close, once i warmed up from having not played in over a month, and then i lost. such was my day. was supposed to go to an art exhibit (de Henri Matisse, as well as others) today. a friend of mind said he'd go, instead he spent all day with someone else and decided not to at least inform me. of course, i prefer to go to art galleries/exhibits/events with significant other. i guess i'd rather do a lot of things with such an 'other'. and i'm pretty sure it's just a given that i would rather do most anything with someone i can lock fingers with. or stand behind and hold, and smell their hair. someone whose shoe i can tie, because laces invariably come undone. someone who, while watching me examine some very nice pieces of art, starts smiling. (don't ask me why such a thing would happen, just trust me, it's good stuff.) someone who will take off my glasses and try them on to see how strong my prescription is, even after they've asked and i've told them it's not strong at all.. (i could go on all morning like this. watch as i don't)

it's sort of funny, and yet not at the same time, how you can be months past a relationship. and feeling at least ok with everything, since 'happy' is a bit much. and then you see a commercial, or show, or hear a song, or drive past somewhere specific. and then your brain starts making connections and before you even have time to glance again, the subway system in your head has made an express route right to heartache, via overwhelming memories of course. and it's like a dull thud right into the small soft portion of your heart. what a chink in the armor, huh?

currently on repeat:
Portishead - Sour Times
U2 & Luciano Pavarotti - One
Pedro the Lion - Bad Diary Days
Tegan & Sara - Come On
Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag

car update: possible failing bearing on passenger side, top priority. hole somewhere in the exhaust system, want fixed if at all possible. no a/c, i doubt you have much idea how much i need this with the super-high heat and humidity here. small crack in windsheild, couldn't possibly care less.

if it wasn't utterly apparent by the first two paragraphs, i'm in the lower portion of the cycle of: lonliness/fine with it. not sure if i'm headed up or down either. classes are actually doing quite well at being a distraction. they always have been. (too well of a distraction last fall, but i digress..) anyone want to go to a nice art exhibit with me? i wouldn't mind going alone if it wasn't out of town, and therefore a drive to get there. and i don't even mind a drive if there is someone at the other end, but surely you can see how art might not suffice. and not only would it not suffice, it'd just buy me a ticket on the subway referred to above. i'll certainly pay for your ticket, i mean, obviously. well, let me know.

i've taken notice of a few different people reading.. ..scratch that, spending time with their browser opened to my page. if you are so inclined, feel free to drop a note regarding anything in the world. then again, if you were so inclined, you would have before. i'm just intrigued that anyone can spend any considerable amount of time reading this stuff. but if that's what you want to do, rock on, i won't protest. i also find it just a bit weird to be writing this at the same time i'm conversing with someone else writing one. (just found out they are indeed not writing one, what a slacker). [side note: i was thinking about linking every word in this entry to somewhere that correlates. obviously i didn't. two reasons. annoying, and/but mostly too much work at the moment.]

my tennis shoes (the ones i wear for actual tennis, and not the generic term) have become horribly worn out and are noticeably half a size too small. if anyone has a pair of size 11.5 diadoras like these they'd like to send me, just say, and you'll have my address toot suite. they don't sell diadoras (for tennis) anywhere near here, that i know of anyway.

oh and did you now, that due to the fact that the commonly used astrological symbols were set long ago, and that the earth's orbit isn't exactly the same every year, especially with regards to our system of time-keeping, that the symbols are now about a month off. sort of deflating to someone who got themselves a really great horoscope. seems an appropriate note to end on..


"i say if you're born a lion
don't bother trying to act tame..

i got a big crush on you
and it's crushing my mind,
can i follow you home
and listen to you think
leave my lip prints on your cups
leave my hairs in your sink.." -ani


< << < : : >> > >
number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

is it getting better? or do you feel the same?