to be honest, i don't feel all that much like writing. but if i don't do it now, when i have very little to do, then i probably won't do it tomorrow, when i have plenty to do. currently my feet are freezing, i just finished hot chocolate, and i'm waiting on a load of laundry in the dryer.

i must admit, i'm feeling a little like ms. citizen and ms. o. (i hope they, and you, will forgive the comparison.) a bit like the lawyer because i have a business law exam in less than seven hours, and i still need to study. and a bit like west coast because in about thirty-two-point-five hours i'll be landing in pittsburgh, and - unless she decides not to show - i'll be greeted by my favorite person. and i'll have ten days of super-funcomforthugenjoyment. and the only things between here and there are an exam, a load of laundry, packing, and a little sleep. oh, and a flight, but i'll be so anxious and excited and somehow nervous by that point, that the four hours for the flight-connection-flight should be just enough to get thoughts in order, and the tongue back from the cat.

she's quick..


"but oh, oh, oh what can i say..
i adore you." -ani


< << < : : >> > >
number 9.. .   .? andy andy andy, get your adverbs here

and then your engine in the driveway.. cutting off.